Hollywood Undead - Sing

Текст песни:

Sing sing sing just a little bit more more
More than they are asking for for
Some of us never change
But we can give give give just a little bit
Live live live just a little bit
Love love love just a little bit more
Its all that were asking for
Its all that were asking for
Ah just a little bit more
Its all that were asking for
Ah just a little bit more

My friend my friend
Is it breath you're holding in
Will the questions from within
Do they end as they begin
Oh my heart my heart
Is it left out in the dark
Is there light after the start
Like the clouds after they part
No the end the end
Is it written in the sand
Is it slipping through your hands
Like a dream that never ends
My friend my friend
Are the walls still closing in
Time and time again
These are words from a broken friend

Sing sing sing just a little bit more more
More than they are asking for for
Some of us never change
But we can give give give just a little bit
Live live live just a little bit
Love love love just a little bit more
Its all that were asking for
Its all that were asking for
Ah just a little bit more
Its all that were asking for
Ah just a little bit more

The stutter and the static
Its the voices of the attic
Its the pitch inside the panic
And the voices of the manic
I just want a minute here
And after 60 seconds I swear that I will disappear
Yeah you know that Im a liar
And I wanna live forever
And I wonder why I'm dying so
Like the bottom of the dream
I was running for the sky and forgot the in between
So hard to understand that there's meaning in the man
And its lost inside the love that I guess I never had
But were all a simple chance
Holding all the gentle hands
Were as simple as a symbol and were slipping to the past
Before I ever let go
The things are getting bad
So my daughter has a little hope
That's the meaning of a memory
That there were better things
Better dreams and a better me

Sing sing sing just a little bit more more
More than they are asking for for
Some of us never change
But we can give give give just a little bit
Live live live just a little bit
Love love love just a little bit more
Its all that were asking for
Its all that were asking for
Ah just a little bit more
Its all that were asking for
Ah just a little bit more~

Hollywood Undead - Sing

Слова песни прочитаны: 455

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